Tired At The End Of The Work Day




Sometimes, at the end of my work day, I feel like my energy tank is running on empty.

I WOULD have energy for... 

...watching TV.

I DEFINITELY WOULD have the energy for...

...taking a nap.

But I feel like there is NO WAY I'd have the energy for...

...play time with Daddy.

How could I muster up the energy to take my turn at...

...caring for Baby?

My dad taught me something that gives me motivation for those moments of exhaustion when it's time leave work and face the "work" that needs to be done at home.  He said:

"When I'm done with my "job" at work, it's time to go home to my "real job" which is caring for my family."

My dad said a man's priority list should look like this:

  1. God. A man should make sure he prioritizes hearing and following God's voice above all things.

  2. Wife. Second to God, a man should prioritize his marriage relationship.

  3. Children. It's a man's responsibility to care for, teach and lead his children well.

  4. Career. Career is important. But it's not as important as God and family.

I'm thankful for my dad's example.  Because now, when I feel that my energy tank at the end of the work day is reading "empty," I think, "Wait a second.  My job is NOT done.  My real job is, actually, just about to begin!  It's time for me to do something that's MORE IMPORTANT than what I've been doing at my workplace.

It's time for me to listen to and care for my wife:

  • What's she feeling?

  • What is she experiencing?

  • How can I support her?

It's time for me to be a dad for my children:

  • What do they need?

  • What can I do to show them how good it is to listen to and OBEY Daddy and Mommy's voice?

  • How can I create an atmosphere of love, fun and kindness in my home?

  • What are my children going through emotionally? How can I help them in this time?"

Personally, it's not easy for me to have this mindset coming home at the end of the workday.

It doesn't feel like I'm Super-Husband or Super-Dad.  It feels more like I'm tired and thinking, "God I don't know if I have the energy to do this.  I need your help.  Would you provide, for me, the things that I need in order to do my "real job" well?"  Then it looks like me taking one step forward.  ...and then another step.  ...and then ANOTHER step.  And God helps and gives me/us what we need to make it through the end of the day.  I like the verse in Hebrews 13 that says, "Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will."  It's God's will for men to care for their families.  If we ask Him, He will give us everything we need to do our "real job" of caring for our families.

I share this post to encourage you, men, to...

...do your "real job" well.
