Pausing In The Middle of Cyber Week

I find myself so easily FRANTIC at this time of year: I get this overwhelming urge that I need to think through ‘pressing issues,’ like if I need to buy socks for my kids…and I need to think thorugh them RIGHT NOW…and I then have to find the best deal out there in the wilderness of what has now become Black Friday Week and Cyber Monday Week.

It’s an understatement to say I can get QUITE frantic in my mind, in my little typing fingers, in my deal-searching. But it’s hard for me to notice how frantic I am…and how really NOT pressing the things are that I’m considering.

I read an article this morning by Paul Tripp that was such a needed reminder for me as I was caught up in the cultural push to buy and have.

I pass it on for anyone else who, like me, needs a reminder of what’s really going on in life…what’s needed…what’s not needed…right in the middle of this season of hearing so many messages of consumption.


Sarah Howard