Ideas/Scripts For Teaching Young Children About God - #1 Amazing Maker

Materials Needed:

  • Stuff for making a PB&J sandwich

  • A few sheets of paper for making a paper airplane and/or a paper boat.

What To Do:

  • Sit your kid(s) down on the floor with you.

  • Have all of the materials concealed in a bag or a box.

What To Say:

  • Setting a LOVING & FUN tone - "Wow. This is so fun. I LOVE to be with you. I LOVE to be your dad/mom. Rachel (look at Rachel in the eyes) it's so fun to be with you. You are a wonderful girl. Dylan (look at Dylan in the eyes and smile really big) you are so fun. I like to play with you and be with you. And look at you two! You are sitting so nicely. You are wonderful children."

  • Hook - "I have some things in this bag to show you. There are some things in here that I'm going to use to make stuff. Maybe you, too, can help me make stuff. Some of the stuff is easy to make. Some of the stuff is harder to make. But I'm pretty good at making things. I can make lots of things, right? And I'm going to show you what's in the bag and what I can make."

    • (Take out the bread and peanut butter.) "Here's what's first. I'm good at MAKING...lunch...and food. I can make lots of stuff. Look. My great peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I make like this.

    • (Start making the sandwich and have fun going into how you spread the PB&J to the edges...and how much to put on...and what do you do if there's too little...and what do you do if there's too much...and sometimes it tastes yummier if you cut it in half after you're done....etc. Let the kids try some.) "Isn't that cool!? I can make some food."

    • "But that's not all! I can make something with THIS."

    • (Take paper out of the bag.) "Wanna see what I can make with this?"

    • (Start showing them how you make a paper airplane or a paper boat.) (If you need a quick demonstration click here for how to make a simple paper airplane or click here for how to make a simple paper boat.)

  • Transition - "Those are just two things that I can make. You've seen me make LOTS more, right!? I've made breakfasts, lunches, dinners...I've made pictures with crayons...I've made sand castles...I've made TONS of stuff. When you're big like me, you'll be able to make lots of things too. It will be fun! You'll be able to make snowmen as tall as me if you'd like. If you'd want you could also make a whole house! You could learn how to make computers! Maybe you could make a new invention that no one else has ever made before! You could make LOTS of things. But you know what!? There are some things that both you and I could never be able to make. There are some things that we aren't smart enough to make. There are some things that we aren't big enough to make."

  • The TRUTH - "There's someone I know...there's someone I love...that is bigger, stronger, smarter. He's the best...and he can make things that no one can make. Who made the sun!? Who made the stars!? Who made a duck that quacks!? Who made a hamster or a turtle or an elephant!? Of course, you know, GOD! God is the MOST AMAZING. God is the MOST SMART. He makes the things that no one else can make. It's amazing."

What To Sing:

  • "Here's a song about it. Let's see if we can echo this song. Let's listen to it and sing these parts."

  • Click here to listen to the song. It's simple and understandable for kids. It's easy for them to repeat. Sing it as many times as you'd like.

What To Read:

Depending on the age of your child consider reading some or all of these verses:

  • Genesis 1

  • Psalm 8

  • Psalm 139

  • Nehemiah 9:6

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." -Deut. 6:6-7

